What Is Mamaki?

Mamaki is a shrub like plant with oval leaves and are light green on the top with three main veins which are bright red or purple depending on variety. Mamaki grows well with at least forty inches of rainfall per year and in altitude ranging from 100 ft to 4000 ft and in well drained soils (Gehring 1967).

Traditionally, mamaki tea was made by placing fresh leaves in a gourd with fresh spring water and red hot stones (Krauss 2001). The tea was originally used by Hawaiians to ease childbirth, alleviate listlessness and discharge blood (Chun 1994). Mamaki is also believed to help reduce cholesterol, regulate blood glucose levels and lower blood pressure (Chun 1994).

Red Mamaki

Maui Nui Purple

This Maui variety of purple mamaki is identifiable by its bumpier, rougher leaves

Locker (1995) found that mamaki has antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Mamaki contained higher amounts of calcium, magnesium and potassium compared to other commercial teas like Lipton (Kartika Et. Al. 2011).

Mamaki Tea is naturally decaffeinated and has a mild, smooth flavor. You can drink it all day long in place of water or your normal black or green tea. It has a wide range of flavors depending on how strong you brew it!  To prepare, Place Place one teaspoon of leaves in one quart of boiling water and steep for at least 15 minutes. For best results, steep longer.

Known Benefits

Lowers Blood Pressure
Pain Free Muscle/Joints
Keeps Blood Healthy
Healthy Clotting
Helps with Pain from PMS
Environmental allergies
Water Retention
Poor Circulation

Prostate Issues
Kidney Stones
Endocrine Disorders
Stomach Acid
Diarrhea, Dysentery
Asthma, Lung Condition
For Hair and Skin
Muscle Aches
Mild Diuretic, laxative
Cold Sores